Swirling water or air stimulates the sensitive nerve endings in the skin, thus perfectly stimulating blood circulation and vascular supply. The body is thus relieved of internal tension and stress. In the hydromassage bath, the body and mind relax. It is also a perfect way to regain strength after a hard day at work, sports performance, rehabilitation after an injury or rheumatic problems.
Many people have experience with the application of hydrotherapy, for example, after various injuries, chronic diseases of muscles, joints, nervous system... The list of diagnoses where hydrotherapy really helps would be long. Simply put, hydrotherapy uses the positive effect of relieving the body in water in combination with warming it up by flowing warm water. This dilates the blood vessels and increases blood flow, which also speeds up the flushing of pollutants from the affected areas. However, this process not only heals but also helps in recovery after physical exertion. And of course, hydrotherapy is also a wonderful relaxation in the flow of water and air bubbles.